Friday, April 18, 2014

DCJ 11:

In the exercise where we had the three volunteers go in front of the entire class and Dr.V told us to say nothing to one, boo the next, and laugh at the last one it made a good point that humor is relative and how uncomfortable it can be when people don't understand or have the same sense of humor, but it also made me think of something else that I have noticed. A lot of times I have seen people make jokes and people either laugh or not, but it seems that when someone laughs, generally other people join in. It seems that if some people enjoy it, then others feel comfortable openly enjoying it also. This made me think about an innovative environment. Not only does humor help a working environment on a scientific level, but also people may feel much more comfortable speaking up with their ideas in a casual joking environment where they feel like they will not be shut down or ridiculed because of their ideas.

I read the article about the wave carpet for alternative energy and I chose this because alternative energy is something I am very interested in. I think it is so cool that we can use things neturally on earth to help us gain electricity and live the way we want without harming the environment
(as much).

I attended class on the 27th of March.

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