Friday, April 18, 2014

DCJ 14:

It is amazing to me that it has taken as long as it has for women to receive equal rights. I think it is great that they are coming into more power positiions. Every field should have perspectives of both men and women in them and women are better at heading up certain just as men are better at heading up other things. There should never have been generalizations with the genders because no matter what, there will be exceptions.

I didn't realize the quote about the best type of birth control being education, but that also makes complete sense.

I thought it was a bit harder to follow the lecture without being engaged in lecture. I liked the way the slideshow broke down the process of production of knowledge so far though. My biggest take away was probably the part that was talking about the core ways thinking and how they are all within the cloud of technology and the resources around us. I feel that innovation itself is working with what we have to grow the cloud of what we have to work with. It is just our society slowly building on itself to grow.

I looked at the 12 creative workplaces and this may have been my favorite suggested reading I have ever looked at. I love modern architecture and it is what I want to work on when I graduate so these buildings were fascinating to me. I also loved how much they incorporated nature in the buildings of the workplaces.

I missed class for the first time on April 17th. I pulled an all nighter for a CVEN test, and got a migraine after the test so I was getting sick at the point of our class, but I went over the lecture after my migraine subsided.

DCJ 13:

I think that the most important characteristic of a leader is to be open minded. A leader must be open and accepting to the ones that he leads, but he must also be open to new ideas that others have to offer in order to better what this leader's objective is. Leaders need to set an example for the people that they are leading also. They need to create a comfortable environment while also knowing when to get things done.

I also believe that leaders should leverage resources in all of the examples we talked about in class. They can gather things in different ways from different sources as can everyone.

My favorite part of the online module was the video that simulated 2020. Technology is already beginning to infuse itself into every part of human life these days. It will be fascinating to see where it is headed next.

I liked the individual project more this week than the previous projects we had because we just got to choose one innovation and put all of our focus into that. I also like that their was a goal or focus that we had to have. This actually sprouted many more ideas in my head and I thought of a way to use technology to prevent excessive technology use.

I attended class on April 10th.

DCJ 12:

I don't know where all these predictions and statistics came from, but some of them were really fascinating. The thought that at the rate we are changing now, the entire 1900s would have happened in 5 years is incredible. That just makes me think of my kids and what rate things will be changing in their lifetime. The singularity is truly coming if this keeps up, which it will. I can't even fathom the possibilities and ethics arguments that are going to be coming up with the advancements in medical technology and things of that nature.

The human experience itself will be incomparable in 50 years to what it is today, or what is was 100 years ago, or 500 years ago. But the same could be about our time now.

I looked at the LEGOgrapher link and it was so entertaining. I actually sent it to my dad because he is a photographer. I think it would be funny to take a picture of the guy whose project this was. Photgrapher-ception.

I attended class on April 3rd.
DCJ 11:

In the exercise where we had the three volunteers go in front of the entire class and Dr.V told us to say nothing to one, boo the next, and laugh at the last one it made a good point that humor is relative and how uncomfortable it can be when people don't understand or have the same sense of humor, but it also made me think of something else that I have noticed. A lot of times I have seen people make jokes and people either laugh or not, but it seems that when someone laughs, generally other people join in. It seems that if some people enjoy it, then others feel comfortable openly enjoying it also. This made me think about an innovative environment. Not only does humor help a working environment on a scientific level, but also people may feel much more comfortable speaking up with their ideas in a casual joking environment where they feel like they will not be shut down or ridiculed because of their ideas.

I read the article about the wave carpet for alternative energy and I chose this because alternative energy is something I am very interested in. I think it is so cool that we can use things neturally on earth to help us gain electricity and live the way we want without harming the environment
(as much).

I attended class on the 27th of March.

DCJ 10:

In the first excercise I thhought of one of my best friends Jordan. I think that everyone's real role model is someone who they can relate to. He comes from the same upbringing as me and he is just such a hard worker and gets what he wants. It was a bit hard for me to think of the second part of the exercise because I talk to him all the time.

This lecture is actually extremely ironic because the entire lecture I was thinking about my family and how we struggle with communication. It was so interesting in the second exercise how things can be misconstrued just from the inflection or pauses in a sentence which got me thinking about all the variables that can cause people to misunderstand things.

When we began speaking about the elevator pitch in the next excercise then the WOW statement, I thought about when I volunteered at South by Southwest interactive panels and there were multiple speakers that came and had talks there. They always opened up just like this with a statement to get the audiences attention and it was usually an "imagine" statement because most of the panels were about future and upcoming technology.

From the online module, I think it is very cool to create a peer to peer entrepreneurship service. What they did to fix up the space that is in is so cool too. I think it is really cool to see people that are still in school apply what they have learned to do something in the real world. It is always nice to see how the things we are learning apply to life.

I watched "Finally freedom for pet fish!" ans it was so interesting. The most interesting thing in it would be if the fish figured out that it is controlling it.

DCJ 9:

Spring break!

DCJ 8:

For the online lecture, I went to a few of the links, but didn't have time to visit all of them. I had already visited some of them in past weeks just looking at suggested readings.

For the online lecture, I enjoyed learning about the ideamache technology. I like the concept of compiling a lot of information to tell a story or make a point. I also didn't know what the concept of metadata was until this lecture. The idea of having data within data.

Suggested reading:

I read the 18 things that highly creative people do differently and was honestly not very surprised. Nearly all the points were things I would expect a highly creative person to do. I am very curious as to if one who isn't considered a "highly creative person" could try doing these things to improve their creative abilities or if it is just something that some people have and others don't.

I also read "8 Ways to come up with a business idea". The point I liked the most was the idea of doing something about something that bugs you. I particularly liked this idea because it is so simple to just think of something that bothers you and fix it. People so frequently live their day to day lives thinking to themselves "wow, that bothers me." but never do anything about it. There could be so much more innovation if people just relayed these small bothers to someone and they came up with a viable solution.

I attended class on March 6th.
DCJ 7:

In the IDEO method, I think I already know which of the ask, watch learn, and try methods I would use. In the ask portion, I would probably grasp things best in drawing them out in that I am a very visual learner. I would probably do shadowing for the watch portion because I believe that is the best way to see how people are and what they like and dislike in general. The learning is that hardest part for me because they say you are learning when you are out observing, but you don't get the full grasp unless you lay it all out to see.

I really enjoyed the exercise we did with traveling from east campus to west campus. First coming up with a way of doing something in as many ways as possible, narrowing it, then trying the inverse of it to solve the problem at hand. This first reminded me of most ways to come up with and invention or innovation, then the inverse idea came into play. I had never even thought of this way of thinking of things until this lecture, so this is probably my biggest take away of the lecture.

Finding new ways of thinking of things is such an important thing in life because it just allows you to learn more. I feel that that is the most important thing in life is to learn and gain as much as you can from the things around you. This take away from this lecture will probably stay with me for a very long time if not forever.

I just looked through the Illustrator finds a creative way to spend time on the train and it was very entertaining. He just thought to himself, I am bored, this would be a funny thing to do, and it has 105,000 views. Which means he took time that would have been spent doing nothing and entertained 105,000 people with it. Incredible what the internet can do.

In still haven't had any really notable experiences with my group. We all get together and get straight to business with the project because we are all quite busy and don't have a ton of time to meet, but I have had a good time at our meetings.

I attended class February 27th.
DCJ 6:

One thing I kept thinking back to in this lecture was how many ideas have been lost or not improved upon because of people making these mistakes within an organization or company. I think that fear is the biggest preventer of ideas being released from people's minds. If people do not have an environment in which they feel they can share every single one of their ideas, then so much potential is being lost. Even if an idea is not necessarily feasible or practical, it could be reworked or spark an idea within someone else's mind.

The exercises in this lecture were a little bit more tough than the previous ones. I have never really thought about or dealt with all these components that go into a business model. Although they were hard to think of and understand in class I think this information will be extremely valuable for me to have in the future.

I would say creativity to me is thinking of new things. Essentially that is exactly what creativity is. A creative invention is something new. An art piece is something new. Even innovations are a new way of doing something. So personally I would sy you need to leave creativity to that broad of a definition.

An innovation to me is the fixing of something, or changing how something works to make it better. For example, I just drank out of my nalgene water bottle. These bottles have become very popular over time, but this nalgene has a big lid that unscrews at the top, but also a smaller screw top nozzle on top of that used for drinking. Someone observed that the regular nalgenes were hard to drink out of without spilling on themselves so they added the top nozzle to be more like a plastic water bottle that is easier to drink out of.

I like how this class has made me notice things like that and sort of changed my normal thought process in certain circumstances.

I think design is taking your ideas and making them a reality. Take the iPhone for example. They came up witht he idea of combining a ton of technologies, and putting it into something you carry with you all the time anyways. When they made this idea a reality, they had to design an app store, and so many other aspects that went into the design.

Entrepreneurship is marketing and running your own business based on your own creation. When I think of entrepreneur on the simplest level I think of someone who opens their own restaurant. They are taking their creation, their food, and creating a business around it.

I attended class on February 20th.
DCJ 5:

This lecture was also very interesting to me. I learned a lot about myself and how I can possibly work in a team better. In the first small group exercise, I decided that my conflict management style is observant and introspective. The more I've grown, the more I have come to realize that I tend to normally avoid confrontation if possible, but I do reflect on how others and I react in different situation and try to rationalize it in my mind.

In the second exercise, I decided that I would be the anthropologist, and collaborator the most. I tend to notice things about people and think about how we could take advantage of that as a team to reach our full potential. I did it a lot in soccer playing certain ways with certain teammates to highlight their strengths.

In the third exercise, I would say I mostly wear the white and yellow hats. I am very good at being objective in many situations and much prefer positive feedback over negative feedback.

In the fourth exercise I would say that I am an iterator and communicator. I can usually make the connection between an idea and an actual practical purpose. I also can usually find a way to explain how something works to people who don't understand the subject itself.

Overall this lecture made me realize a lot about how I can work well in a team and how I can use my strengths to their full potential.

Suggested readings:

I looked at the link called "cleverly made inventions". I was surprised that a lot of them aren't popular in the market now. I thought they were all very clever, especially the dusting slippers.

I also looked at the "Gizmag" link of emerging technologies. I was surprised at how many new technologies are focused on wrist watches. All run by android technology.

I attended class February 13th.
DCJ 4:

I enjoyed the live lecture by Dr. Hill. I had no idea that so many things went into the subject of personal space. I think it is so incredible that you can be born on different sides of the world and will just be raised with completely different thoughts on the matter. I feel like personal space should be such an instinctual thing, but it turns out it is partially learned and partially biological.

I find personal space and why people act the way they do fascinating. I think it is so strange that two people can differ so much in something that affects how they act so much.

I also did not expect tot ever  get lady advice from this class, but it looks like I will be making a few more jokes on first dates now...I have always picked up on being more attracted to girls who laugh at my jokes though. I think that is because I feel like they have my humor or that she may enjoy being around me.

In the online module this week it was all about patenting and claiming your own work. I never knew the specifics of patenting so thins was kind pf cool. This actually made me instantly think of my dad who has a couple patents of his own. He wrote a couple programs that ended up being used by a few teams within Dell.

I looked at the best science and engineering visualizations and they were so incredible! They looked like art or something you could not just capture naturally on the earth.

I attended class on February 6th.
DCJ 3:

I really enjoyed this lecture. I struggle a lot with creativity so it was really nice seeing the ways that our minds can affect the ways we see things. I especially liked the concept of lateral thinking. There are so many cases when I catch myself getting stuck thinking in the same way about a problem when I can't figure it out. I like the concept of completely changing your approach to find a solution to a problem.

Pertaining to the online lecture, I would say that my flow is a room with some, but minimal talking, my big noise cancelling headphones, and a cup of coffee or an energy drink.

I would also definitely say that I am a Polychronic person. Being in engineering, I am kind of forced to do many things at once. The content in my classes can be so frustrating to try to grasp that I need to be flexible with changing to another subject if I get stuck for too long. Nearly all of the polychronic points describe me perfectly also.

My personal space is definitely a more open space with a large table for me to spread out and organize the things I will be working with.

I believe that mental filters and blocks are things that we instantly think of when hearing something we have heard before. It is essentially associating things we interact with, with things we have already experienced.

Suggested Readings

1. The video about accidental inventions was very interesting to me and made me realize that when trying to solve a problem, one may fail at solving one, but succeed in solving another. I was unaware that there were so many extremely influential discoveries that were found on accident.

2. What color is Tuesday? was very eye opening for me also. I didn't realize that our minds naturally associated so many things with all our different senses. I thought it was very interesting that they gave the example of someone having a "green name". That doesn't sound real to me, but my brain does it subconsciously every day.

I attended class on January 30th.
DCJ 2:

My favorite part of this entire lecture was the part about provocative thinking. In order to make innovations and come up with new and interesting ideas, you must get out of your comfort zone and make something that people didn't think was possible, possible...or maybe something that people had not even thought of in general. This is shown in technology every day! Do you think that anyone in 1903, before cars had even been mass produced, ever even thought about all of the forms of transportation we have today? They couldn't even wrap their mind around the idea of the things we have now. It amazes me to think about what we will develope in the coming years and if it will be things that I can't even fathom at this point.

I think it is especially crazy to think about the television. Before the tv was invented, people probably couldn't even picture just a box that showed entertainment on it. And now look at how many people spend incredible amounts of time watching them.

I completely agree with the idea of thinking of something that bugs you, to come up with a new innovation. After seeing this presentation and having the project of coming up with new innovations and inventions, I want to just start taking note of little things that bug me or that i think could be better. Whenever I am going anywhere or doing anything, I am just going to take note on my phone, then look back and see if there is anything I can come up with to fix these things. This is a lesson I learned from this lecture.

The online module was very similar to the live lecture this week. I wish I had seen it before the live lecture though so I would have had a better idea of what the processes were before we learned about them in class.

The suggested reading I chose this week was about ways to increase creative thinking. They spoke about keeping your phone put away which I completely agree with. You can't be inspired by the world around you staring at a 2'' x 4'' screen.

I attended class on January 23rd.
DCJ 1:

This lecture got me really excited about the class. When we were talking about all the uses and things needed for a fire, I hadn't even thought about the possibilities that that everyone else listed. This intrigued me because it opened my mind to thinking of so many more options which is what creativity is all about.

The quote about not the strongest nor the most intelligent survive, but the ones that are most open to change really opened my eyes as well. This is so true. With how much technology is advancing, you just have to be open to how much society is changing and be ready for what is to come.

I also thought it was very interesting seeing the "gpa" of America. It is sad that we have so much technology and ability to help the world but we are truly hurting it.

Overal this lecture makes it very clear that imagination is everything. Being able to adapt to the changes of society and come up with new ideas to help innovate and create better ways of living will ensure that you have a successful and contributing life.

I enjoyed the personal branding profile. It helped me learn a lot about myself and the type of person that I am and the best way for me to personally learn. I am hoping that this will help me in not only my classes, but also just in life. I think that learning is one of the most important things in life and any way I can learn to do that more efficiently is great for me.

It was nice to get a preview of what I am about to jump into in this class in the online lecture. Glad to learn about my professor and what this class is going to provide for me.

I attended class on the 16th of January.